DVV Clarifications

DVV Clarifications

Criteria Key Indicator Metric No. Link Name Link/URL
1.Curricular Aspects 1.2Academic flexibility 1.2.1 QnM
HEI to provide list of all Add on /Certificate programs with date of start and date of end for last five years under the seal and signature of the head of HEI . The academic year should be taken care . HEI needs to provide approval letters for starting all the Certificate/Add-on program for all years .
1.2.2 QnM
HEI to also provide, one sample certificate each for each Program for all years . HEI to also provide the number of students enrolled in each subject related Certificate or Add-on programs year wise during last five years mentioning Academic Year , Roll number , Batch year, Program being studied , of each student under the seal and signature of the head for HEI.
1.3 Curriculum Enrichment 1.3.2 QnM
HEI to provide copy of syllabus mentioning the project work/field work / internships to be undertaken by the students. HEI to provide the list of students with Roll no., Batch year, Project name/details and dates/duration of project /visit of the students for latest completed Academic Year. HEI needs to recheck the data and provide the figures for only those courses with "project work/field work/internship" that are mentioned in the prescribed syllabus of the university. HEI to also provide permission letter , Project Report, Completion Certificate for all claims for 2022-23.
1.4 Feedback System 1.4.1 QnM
HEI to provide 5 filled-in (ADDITIONAL) feedback forms for each stakeholders separately HEI to provide web link of blank feedback forms and Action taken report on its website to avail the claim.
2 Teaching- Learning and Evaluation 2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile 2.1.1 QnM
HEI needs to provide consolidated numbers of students admitted in first year and Sanctioned seats for first year (intake) year wise and program wise for last five years duly signed and stamped by the Head of HEI. HEI needs to certify the data already provided by it in the Excel Format, duly signed and stamped by the Head of HEI, after removing supernumerary seats from all programs caste wise.
2.1.2 QnM
HEI needs to provide calculation and basis for arriving at the Sanctioned seats and students admitted and Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per in all 5 years on the basis of and HEI needs to provide the number of Number of actual students Earmarked and admitted from the reserved categories year wise during last five years (Exclusive of supernumerary seats) " Programwise" under the seal and signature of head of HEI.
2.2 Student Teacher Ratio 2.2.1 QnM
HEI to provide the list of all students (Programwise) with Roll numbers and teachers (Full Time) excluding Physical Education teacher and Librarian for the latest completed academic year programs under the seal and signature of Head of HEI.
2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality 2.4.1 QnM
HEI needs to provide details of sanctioned Posts department wise/subject wise with type of appointment, for all five years under the seal and signature of Head of HEI excluding Physical Education instructor and Librarian . Also against each sanctioned Posts HEI needs to mentioned the number of Filled posts.
2.4.2 QnM
HEI to remove Physical Education instructor and Librarian and the teachers who have worked for less than 12 months with HEI as per last date of each academic year
2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes 2.6.3 QnM
HEI to provide list of students mentioning their Roll number, Batch year, Regular/Repeat, who appeared and passed year wise and program wise for last five years under the seal and signature of Head of HEI and update the numbers accordingly. HEI needs to provide the certificate from affiliating university regarding the total number of final year students who appeared and passed the university examination year-wise during the last five years. HEI needs to certify the data already provided by it in the Excel Format , duly signed and stamped by the Head of HEI
3 Research, Innovations and Extension 3.1 Resource Mobilization for research 3.1.1 QnM
all the research projects have same amount . Moreover the research grant has been released in single final installment in all the cases . HEI needs to submit the research reports of each case.
3.2 Innovation Ecosystem 3.2.2 QnM
All the links provide by HEI displays the message " OOPS! THAT PAGE CAN’T BE FOUND." HEI needs to provide detailed report of each program including Circular /Brochure or office order with office reference number, Attendance sheets, Photographs, Curriculum/ course Content, Sample Certificate of attendance etc. for all activities /programs in all Academic Years
3.3 Research Publications and Awards 3.3.1 QnM
HEI has not claimed for the metric
3.3.2 QnM
HEI needs to recheck the details provided by it , w.r.t. Academic Year , ISBN Number , teacher from own university etc. and claim only relevant entries, as per NAAC SOP . Also, HEI needs to confirm that the faculty/author for the claim is its fulltime faculty during the publication duly signed and stamped by the head of HEI.
3.4 Extension Activities 3.4.3 QnM
The metric pertains to “extension and outreach programs". Accordingly only those programs have been considered which are conducted outside the HEI campus physically and for the benefit of community / society at large .
3.5 Collaboration 3.5.1 QnM
Value has been updated considering relevant MoUs based on intent of the metric , documents provided by HEi etc.
4 Infrastructure and Learning Resources 4.1 Physical Facilities 4.1.2 QnM
This metric pertains to "infrastructure development and augmentation" i.e. Capital Expenditure incurred . HEI has provided the required details
4.3 IT Infrastructure 4.3.2 QnM
HEI to also provide location wise list of all computers in the College being used for Academic Purpose and Administration purpose separately under the seal and signature of Head of HEI along with the geotagged photographs.
4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure 4.4.1 QnM
Values have been updated considering maintenance of infrastructure Expenditure only .
5 Student Support and Progression 5.1 Student Support 5.1.1 QnM
HEI to provide confirmation from its Accounts officer/Chartered Accountant regarding the summary of amount of scholarships and free ships released/received of each year and number of students of each year duly signed and stamped by head of HEI regarding the scholarships and free ships provided by the Government bodies and non govt bodies.
5.1.2 QnM
Value has been updated considering S.N. 3 and 4 as per attachment /documents.
5.1.3 QnM
Value has been updated considering relevant programs metric requirement and as per attachment /documents.
5.1.4 QnM
HEI needs to provide minutes of meetings and the office orders for creation of appropriate committees
5.2 Student Progression 5.2.1 QnM
HEI needs to add columns of roll nos and Batch Year and programs name of all the outgoing students placed and / or progressed to higher education year wise during the last five years in the Excel Format already provided by it , duly signed and stamped by the Head of HEI . Further against each student name HEI to provide the details whether the proof /supporting documents is attached or not and specify the page number of attachment. HEI needs to update the figures as per eligibility/relevant Academic Year year wise during the last five years.
5.2.2 QnM
HEI has not claimed for the metric
5.3 Student Participation and Activities 5.3.1 QnM
District level events are not eligible under the metric . Values have been updated accordingly.
5.3.2 QnM
An event contain multiple activities. one event e.g. Athletic meet , having multiple activities have been counted as one. Also relevant cultural programs have bene considered
6 Governance, Leadership and Management 6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment 6.2.2 QnM
HEI has already provided required details /documents in support of its claim.
6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies 6.3.2 QnM
The membership needs to be for professional bodes . Own trust etc. does not qualify under the metric.
6.3.3 QnM
The certificates provided by HEI does not contain required details about the programs . Also these needs to be professional development /administrative training programs. Values updated accordingly.
6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System 6.5.2 QnM
AAA reports is not complete . Collaborative initiatives with other institution needs to be quality based .Values updated accordingly.
7. Institutional Values and Best Practices 7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities 7.1.2 QnM
Value has been updated as per attachment
7.1.3 QnM
Value has been updated as per attachment considering S.No. 1,2 and 4